How To Make Money As A Student

Need Money? Here’s Your Solution
New year, new decade, same old empty pockets! It seems everything is starting over again, from scratch. Except that, as a student, our bank accounts seem to be perpetually empty. With Christmas, New Year’s celebration and all the holidays in between, it’s no surprise how money slips from our pockets without us even noticing.
While we’re at university, it’s the best opportunity to have the chance to want to enjoy life and experience as much fun as possible. And even though money is not happiness, it is the means to buy it (sometimes). Having a bit more coin on the side is not only helpful, it can also make you feel happier and more secure.
Step forward
It is time to take our lives in hand and look for a student job. Not only will our bank accounts be healthier, but we will also feel better. Having a job brings people a kind of satisfaction that enhances the production of the happiness hormone in our body and we become generally happier.
Also, forming new friendships with colleagues from work boosts our confidence and in no time, we start feeling worthy of good things in life.
To make this step, first you need a CV! If you have one already perfect, if not you should write one asap. Once the CV is there, you can start applying for student jobs either online or simply print out a handful of them and try visiting the local places offering jobs, you might even land a job at your favourite coffee shop!
Take to the streets
If you decide to search for a student job by visiting places, there are a few important things to remember:
1) Dress smart – it shows you’re professional
2) Be polite but show some personality as well – being polite shows you respect others. Showing some personality says you’re not just a copycat, but an original individual
3) Ask for student job vacancies and show you’ve brought your CV – it means you’re ready to start as soon as possible.
4) Ask to speak to a manager is there – introduce yourself to them and hand your CV over personally. Employees are sometimes worried they might get replaced or forget to pass your application on
If you get no feedback in a week or two, try to improve your CV – maybe there is a hidden problem persuading people not to reach out to you. If you can’t see the problem, ask a friend to read it for you. They might be able to see something you’ve missed.
Other places to look
If you don’t fancy trekking around, a good way to find jobs online is to visit the websites of the places where you’d like to work. Usually there is a section dedicated to vacancies within the company and you can apply there.
Or try out,,, etc. There are plenty platforms offering all kinds of available jobs near you, just search the industry you want to work in and in no time, you’ll find hundreds of positions you can apply for.
Student jobs raise students’ self esteem and release some of the tension from uni. Also, they bring the independence we constantly fight for in our young ages. Why not try it out then? If it works, amazing, if not we have an extra experience to talk about!