
Student Blog - Student Advice

Your Vote Counts: Everything you need to know

Your Vote Counts: Everything you need to know

If you're one of our student tenants, you may well be one of approximately 1.5m young people who are eligible to vote in the coming general election for the first time.  Here's everything you need to know about voting in the general election. How to register to vote, how to vote on the day or before, who to vote for, what to expect in the poling both.

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by Patrick Garratt - 29th May 2024

Financial Support for Students

The Covid-19 Pandemic has put pressure on most people's finances so we've put together some information about what financial support is available for students.

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by Nadine Bevis - 31st January 2021
7 best apps for students

7 best apps for students

There are thousands of apps out there that are genuinely worth your time. Whether they are apps for productivity, lecture assistance, saving money or a night out; smartphones can make student life so much easier. At Purple Frog Property we have listed 7 of our favourite apps to consider:

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by Nathan Colom - 30th October 2020

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