
End Of Your Tenancy


All good things must to come to and end, and so unfortunately must your time with purple frog. We try to make our farewells as fond as possible by ensuring the move is simple as possible and by helping you to keep as much of your deposit as possible. To help keep the stress out of moving out, we've created a moving-out check-list which you can access below. We are of course always at the end of the phone so if you need any help then just give us a call. Move Out Checklist The key things to remember are:

Book an Appointment

We'd like to see you just one more time before you leave so we can go around your house with you and collect your keys. Please use the links below to book the appointment, they are limited so the sooner you book the more likely you'll be to reserve a time-slot convenient to you. IMPORTANT: Whoever meets us at the property at the end of the tenancy will be asked to sign to agree any damages or charges for all tenants who are on the same contract.

Book For Birmingham

Book For Nottingham

Book For Bristol


To make sure the next tenants aren't harassed by debt collectors, we ask that you make sure your bills are paid up to date and that you show us proof of this. The easiest way to do this is to ring your utility providers (if you do not have bills included) with your exit meter readings to get your final utility bills then send proof you have paid these to us in order to get your deposit returned promptly. The date you give the utility suppliers must be the last day of your tenancy and no sooner. Click here for more information on utilities. Please ensure any documents you send to us to prove that your utilities have been dealt with include the property address, date, and confirmation that there are no further funds to pay. They should cover the whole period of your tenancy. If you have bills included in your rent which you pay to Purple Frog then you won't need to provide proof that those utilities have been paid.

Council Tax

For the same reasons, we need to see a letter/bill of confirmation from your local council or a £0 bill for the dates of your tenancy to prove you have either applied your student exemption for zero council tax or that you have paid it in full. Click here for more information on council tax. Your council tax bill/exemption must cover the whole period of your tenancy. If the council has rejected the exemption, or you are not exempt, you will still need to provide the documents. Nottingham City Council tenants & individual tenancies If you live in one of our Nottingham properties that falls under Nottingham City Council, or are on an individual tenancy, you do not need to provide this information. We will send your exemption form to the council. That means the £0 council tax bill will be sent directly to us. Am I on an individual tenancy? You are on an individual contract if you are the only person, other than the landlord, who signed the tenancy agreement.


It's only fair that your landlord is paid all rent due before you can get your deposit back so please make sure everyone on your tenancy is up to date with their rent. If you need to speak to our accounts team about rent arrears, you can speak to them by contacting our Operations Centre or calling your local branch and choosing Option 6.

Magic Sponges

These are impressive little pieces of cleaning equipment which will help you leave your house as you found it, and we're giving them away for free! Click here for more information.


Make sure you follow the Move Out Checklist list carefully! Or if you don't want the hassle of cleaning your house, let us know and we can book a cleaning company in to do it for you. You will need to pay for this service. You will also need to let us know at least five weeks before you move out.


You are responsible for maintaining certain parts of your house, click here for more information. You will also need to make sure that you have reported any maintenance issues to us, before you move out. These will be little things that you've been meaning to get round to reporting, or didn't want to bother us with. Examples are:

  • Broken bed frames and slats
  • Faulty boilers or radiators not heating up fully
  • Doors not shutting and locking correctly (also any missing or broken keys)
  • Leaky taps and other plumbing issues, including showers
  • Faulty or broken furniture and fittings (shelving, hooks and door handles, etc)

You can report these to us, on our maintenance page. You can also call your local branch.

Check-Out Form

We'd like to be able to keep in touch after you've left us so we ask that you complete a quick form before we return your deposit. Please click here to see the form.

Your Deposit

Provided you've completed all of the above we aim to return your deposit statement to you within 28 days. We'll be working hard during those 28 days to get your deposits back to you as soon as possible so don't worry if you haven't heard from us. The statement will give you the amount of deposit that we think needs to be returned to you. If you think that the amount is wrong, there is a mechanism for you to let us know. There's information in doing this below. In order to put your statement together, we need to do the following:

  • Conduct a check-out inspection
  • Conduct an empty house inspection
  • Compare this with the inventory from the start of your tenancy
  • Arrange for invoices to be sent from contractors, as some costs can't be agreed without these
  • Add or remove any costs that didn't appear on your check out inspection

As you can imagine, that's a fair bit of admin. We have a process set up to make sure we can do this as quickly as possible. Once we have done all of this, we can send your final statement. Your frequently asked questions have answers! Everything you want to know about deposits is here. Once you have received your deposit statement, you will be able dispute any deductions. There is information about how to do this here. Please only send in your dispute once you have been sent your final statement. Disputing before this will mean a delay in dealing with your statement and could slow down returning your deposit. Once we have agreed with you the amount of money that we need to return, we return it no later than 10 days after the agreement.


We're not big on long, drawn-out goodbye's but we will certainly miss you. We wish you all the best luck and fortune for the future and thank you for renting with us.

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