
Guarantor Forms

FAQs - Guarantor forms

As most young people have not been able to establish a credit history or references from previous addresses we ask that they have their obligations guaranteed by their parents or guardians.

All student tenants must have their individual obligations guaranteed before they can move into a property. This means that, as part of the tenancy paperwork, each tenant will be sent a guarantor form to collect this information.

As guarantor you should read the tenancy relating to the agreement before signing. We are happy to email a copy of the tenancy to you if requested.

The tenants' obligations include but are not limited to payment of rent and any wilful damage caused to the property or any furniture provided by the landlord; further obligations are detailed in the tenancy.

To ensure guarantors would be able to honour the agreement in the event of a default by the tenant, we will run a credit check using the information provided.

This information will be treated as strictly confidential and handled in accordance with our privacy policy which you can find on our website: purplefrogproperty.com/privacy.

As part of the credit check we need to verify the guarantor's identity so require some identification (either a passport and proof of address or a photo card driving licence). Guarantors must have proof of residency in the UK.

If, for any reason the guarantor fails the credit check, the tenant can provide an additional guarantor, or pay all rent up front or use www.housinghand.co.uk. (For more information on Housing Hand, see below.)

International Students

Our standard process is to ask tenants to provide a UK-based guarantor, who passes a credit check.

We realise that this isn't always possible, so students from overseas can also choose to pay their rent upfront, or use Housing Hand.

Housing Hand is a company that will act as a UK guarantor for students who might not be able to provide one. The service charges a one-off fee when you apply and will act as your UK guarantor for 12 months. For more information and a free no obligation quote, see their website: www.housinghand.co.uk.

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