4 sure-fire ways you can smash the new semester

Drop New Year resolutions for successful university goals
It’s the beginning of a new year and a new semester. Your ambitious goals to get up at 6am every day to run 5 miles, learning fluent Japanese, and cut out all sugar have failed. Pretty much at 6:01 the next day.
But there’s still time to pick some more realistic new semester resolutions. With your pile of Christmas chocolate and the warm glow of your parent’s full fridge all but a distant memory, what better time is there to start?
Let me suggest four achievable resolutions for the next part of the academic year, perfect for getting over the January blues.
Eat a bit better
There is a time and a place for junk food. Don’t get me wrong, there will always be a special place in my heart for a 3am visit to Rooster’s. But it’s a safe bet that you over-indulged slightly during Christmas.
Now it’s January and your jeans are a bit snugger than they were last year, you’re regretting that fourth helping of Yule Log you had on Boxing Day and thinking maybe it’s time for a change.
If healthy eating seems expensive, most supermarkets have a selection of fruit and vegetables on special offer each week.
This is great way to save money, providing you’re willing to be a little creative with your cooking.
If you don’t have time to cook every day, try batch-cooking a healthy staple like Bolognese or lasagne and freezing a couple of portions. [Link: recipes]
This means on busy days when you’re spending half your time churning out essays and the other half fighting for a seat at the library, you have something healthy to eat when you get home. Much better (and cheaper) than reaching for the UberEATS app.
Sleep a little less
After your first night out of the semester, it’s easy to see those lie-ins getting later each day.
It’s easy to do, you haven’t seen your uni friends for weeks and have a lot of catching up to do. But when you haven’t seen an A.M. (apart from on your way home) since you’ve got back, you know something probably needs to change.
Having a regular sleep routine allows you to get better quality sleep and has been shown to help you lose weight, be more productive and can positively impact your mental health.
Exercise a tad more
OK you didn’t quite get the 6am running schedule to work, and I feel you. But one of the best things about being a student is that there are so many sport and activity-based societies to become part of.
Most of them are happy to welcome new members in the second semester.
From sailing to ice hockey, there’s over 50 sports clubs to pick from, at University of Birmingham.
Exercise itself is a mood booster. It increases your energy levels and improves brain function. Perfect for cramming all that extra exam knowledge in.
The social aspects of sports clubs can be a big plus, as well.
Joining a club will not only give you a chance to meet new people and try new a new sport – if you’re anything like me – the weekly commitment to attend will be a positive motivation to keep your resolution going beyond a couple of weeks.
Plus, it’ll give you a chance to shift any extra pounds you’ve picked up over the Christmas break.
Drink something non-alcoholic
This is such a simple change that’s easy to overlook.
As students we’re known for our love of drinking and have heard all the health risks associated with alcohol more times than we can count.
While I’m not going to suggest we all do “dry January”, drinking more water each day seems like a more achievable new semester resolution.
Treat yourself to a new reusable water bottle, top it up around campus and enjoy saving the planet while you reap the benefits of weight loss, clearer skin, and the improved mental ability you need to get through January exams!