
Student Blog

7 best apps for students

7 best apps for students

There are thousands of apps out there that are genuinely worth your time. Whether they are apps for productivity, lecture assistance, saving money or a night out; smartphones can make student life so much easier. At Purple Frog Property we have listed 7 of our favourite apps to consider:

  1. Evernote

There are a lot of note-taking apps out there, however, Evernote stands out as it syncs your notes across all devices. You can easily take your tablet to lectures and access all your notes on your laptop after when studying at home. Do you prefer to handwrite your notes? No problem, you can take photos of your handwritten notes and Evernote will upload and transcribe them! When you miss a lecture, your friends can just share their notes with you within the app.

  1. Soundnote

Struggling to take in all the information in some lectures, then put on Soundnote and you’ll have a recording synced with your notes. When studying at home you’ll just have to type in a word, and it will take you back to that point in the recording! Ideal for heavy info classes or sleepy students.

  1. Microsoft Office

You’ll almost certainly use Microsoft Office to get your work done, especially Word, Powerpoint and Excel! The apps are available for any device these days, so as long as you upload your files to the cloud, you can access them whenever and wherever you are. They now have a collaboration feature as well, which makes it possible to edit a document simultaneously.

  1. Drunk Mode

Besides studying, a big aspect of student life is enjoying the vibrant nightlife. Every now and then this can involve a few beers too many and before you know it you are drunk texting your ex. If you fit this description, we’re happy to share the benefits of Drunk Mode with you. Before drinking, you can ask Drunk Mode to hide selected contacts for up to 12 hours (We’d add landlords and bosses to this list).

  1. Circle of 6

Now we sincerely hope none of you ever get into trouble, but it is better to be safe than sorry. If you ever find yourself in an uncomfortable or risky situation, Circle of 6 will send your location and a pre-programmed text alert to your 6 preferred contacts by one simple click. A simple tool to prevent violence before it happens and a must-have for any student, teenager, or child.

  1. Shopmium

Every penny counts as a student and this app will help you save a few pounds a week. All you have to do is take a picture of your receipt at the end of your shop, upload it to the app and you’ll get your cashback. As I’m writing this, there is a 100% cashback on a tub of Ben and Jerry’s so I know what I’ll be having tonight…

  1. Trainline

Whether it’s to save money on train travel or get real-time data on your train, everyone must download Trainline. Booking in advance can chop off a third of the cost of a ticket! It can now even tell you where there will be an empty seat when boarding your train.

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