Are these the most unique societies at University of Birmingham?

There’s a student society out there for everyone
Joining a student society is great. Every year I wander around the fairs and pledge to myself that I will be turning up to every single one. In reality, I actually don’t (but that’s because I’m rather lazy). So I’m saying, don’t be like me and definitely check out some of these societies, because I am truly fascinated by each and every one of these unique societies.
Battle Re-enactment
As the complete history nerd that I am, this society immediately stood out to me. Running around re-enacting battles, yes please. Plus they do other things like camping and crafts, so there really is something for everyone. This just sounds super fun, plus kinda educational with the whole history thing. A win-win.
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Brum Dine With Me
Okay this society sounds like it involves two of my favourite things, eating and socialising. Also I am addicted to Come Dine with Me usually, so imagine actually getting to take part in it. I’m the worst cook in the world but still hosting a dinner party and getting to know new people sounds absolutely amazing. (The main reason this is on the list though is that I thoroughly enjoyed the pun in this society’s name).
Fetish Society
Much to my absolute disappointment, I discovered they don’t just sit around whipping each other. Instead this actually sounds like a really good idea, as it teaches people how to perform all their kinky ways in a safe way. Safe, kinky sex tips, count me in.
There really is no explanation needed for this one. This sounds pure genius. Who doesn’t love hummus? I’m pretty sure I’m like 70% hummus at this point. Therefore, the fact there is an entire society dedicated to this tasty chick-pea delight has honestly made my day.

Yes, Jon Snow isn’t really representative of Northern Britain. For a start he’s wearing a coat.
Okay, I’m definitely biased on this one (because I’m from the North), but I think this sounds an absolute storm of a society. The thick Northern accents would resonate throughout the room, reminding me of being back home. I imagine everyone sitting round drinking their Yorkshire tea with a plate of chips and gravy…sounds like perfection. There really is no place like home.

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As already established, I am very partial to the odd cup of tea. It’s great, because no matter what mood you’re in, whether happy, sad, stressed, or relaxed, this society is on hand with a cuppa. This is why I think this is a brilliant society: you can sit and have a little natter with 2 of the best things in life: tea and biscuits.
Okay, this one is just amazing. They plan a whole festival for charity. How much more awesome can you get? I’ve been to ValeFest the last two years, and the festival is insane, with great music and a great atmosphere. So imagine how much greater it would be to be a part of putting the whole thing together!
So that’s my list of some of the most unique and wonderful societies the University of Birmingham has to offer. As I say I’ve never actually been to any of these, but I am putting them all on my ‘before I leave uni’ bucket list. They all sound insane and you’re not gonna get societies like this anywhere else.
By Charlotte Booth