Do you recognise any of these horrid housemates?

Every student house probably has one of these
Just to be clear I love my housemates to bits. I wouldn’t swap them for the world. But sometimes they do things which are very very annoying, ‘horrid’ one might say. I am sure that when they read my list, they’ll be able to say ‘Charlotte, a lot of these sound like you.’
Check out this list of common traits of student housemates and see if you recognise any of your friends, or even yourself!
The messy one
The most typical trait of a horrid housemate is that they’ll be messy, oh so very messy.
Say goodbye to seeing the carpets or having any clean cutlery because it seems that your horrid housemate will leave stuff literally everywhere. They’re the type of messy which is almost transcends unclean and becomes an art form. It’s like their sole purpose in life is leaving random objects for you to trip over.
This kind of horrid housemate will always be conspicuously absent when the idea of a house clean presents itself. So you are now basically stuck in the cycle of them creating as much mess as humanly possible until you can’t bear it anymore and clean all their mess yourself.
But hey, at least you have clean kitchen sides again, but I’m sure your horrid housemate will see to that….
The musical one
Why, oh why, without fail, does someone in every student house play an instrument or think they are the next Rihanna?
Don’t get me wrong I’m partial to belting out the odd power ballad in the shower. What I’m not partial to is someone’s recital of Beethoven at 2 in the morning, because apparently the night air allows their creative juices to flow.
Do you know what it doesn’t allow? Me sleeping.
The two-become-one ones
In-house romances. I actually don’t think this even needs an explanation but it is the epitome of horrid housemates so I’m gonna give it one.
Now I love a nice budding romance, however in-house romances never ever work. Either the couple will be so sickly in love you’ll be permanently the third wheel, which is no fun for anyone. Even worse they break up and the tension in the house is unbelievably unbearable.
Either way: Yuck.
The perfect one
Okay this technically it isn’t isn’t their fault. They can’t help it if they are brilliant at everything. But here they come: the practically-perfect-in-every-way-housemate.
But do they need to rub it in my face, so much? There I am, slumped in bed eating left over pizza and watching Netflix, or shattered from pulling a last-minute all-nighter to make a deadline, when they stroll in after their reenergising early morning gym session.
As they tuck into their fruit-filled breakfast, they happily tell you how they handed in their splendid essays months ahead.
You can’t help but try and be enthusiastic about their assured First, while worrying if you’ll even scrape a pass.
The disappearing one
Last but most certainly not least, you definitely can’t miss this horrid housemate, particularly because they won’t be there.
So, so many plans you’ve made with them, which they have eagerly agreed to.
“Shopping?” – “Oo yes”. “Night out?” – “Absolutely”. “Late night trip to Tesco?” – “Count me in.”
But I tell you what, you can’t count them in as precisely 2 minutes before the event they’ll back out with some lame excuse: “I’ve got readings to do”; “I’m tired”; “I need to wash my hair”.
I cannot stress enough how annoying it is. On the plus side it does give me a perfectly good excuse to sit in bed watching Netflix, doing nothing.
Horrible housemates: Yes, you love them, they’re the best people you could live with, if only they were somehow different but yet exactly the same.
Did you recognise anyone or have I miss any? And which one are you?
In case all of the horridness is causing problems, here’s some ideas to ease tensions in your student house.
And how to be the perfect housemate.
By Charlotte Booth