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How to stop exam stress driving you mad

How to stop exam stress driving you mad

5 best ways to bust exam stress

Spring time at university sees a change in the air. Yes, it’s getting warmer, days are getting longer, and you can almost smell summer coming. But first, for students, comes a time of stressed-induced insanity. Yes, this term is sunny, but it’s stuffed with dreaded deadlines and exam stress.

While exams and essays aren’t new, there is something about the Spring deadlines that brings out the madness in some of us.

But do not fret, as you are not alone. Thousands across the country are feeling your pain, whether you’re a first year worrying over 3000 word essays, or a finalist losing hair trying to write a twelve-thousand-word dissertation. To help calm some of the panic, below I have highlight some of the things you can do to stop yourself from feeling like you should be admitted to a lunatic asylum.

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1. You are NOT alone

You are at university, you are not the only one who has deadlines, you are not the only one wondering if it’s all worth it. You are most certainly not the only one who feels like they are going insane. Remember, if you are struggling be open about it with your friends. The likelihood is that they’re feeling exactly the same as you.

By talking about it with people who can relate, you will be able to compose yourself more and not feel alone, as much as it might feel like it at times. And then there are your tutors and family, who always seems to offer some unique advice that completely blows your mind. Remember, it is only for a short time and is all worth it in the end!

If it gets so you think your head might actually burst, the university has well being facilities. I’ll paste in links at the end of the article!

2. Create a routine

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Okay yes, routines can be boring. Waking up at 7 am, being showered by 7:30, breakfast by 8 and in the library by 9 is boring, but it gets you there. You may wonder why so early, but how many people say they do all-nighters? Get to the library early, and you are more likely to find your ideal study space, less people are around to distract you and the coffee pods are open to fuel you along.

And while you’re at it, why not sit and plan what you are going to do with your day? Set targets for every hour, give yourself moments to just sit back and breath, you will be amazed at the amount of work you get done.

3. Chill-Out a Bit

Yes, Netflix is every student’s favourite worst enemy. But stop looking at it as a curse and use it as a reward. If you reach your targets for the day and have stuck to your routine, what’s wrong with a little treat? You need to escape from your work so that you can go back to it with a fresh mind. Spending some time away from your books allows you to forget for just a short amount of time and focus on something else. But don’t get engrossed in binge worthy series, have some self-control! For other ways to relax, check out 8 cheap ways you could chill out.

4. Have a Good Diet

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You may love eating some proper terrible food, at a time of stress having those comforts can make you feel much better for a bit. But if they weigh you down and make your body feel a bit crap, cut them out. Stick to breakfast, lunch and dinner, and stay away from anything that might make you feel like a blob. Check out 5 deliciously easy student recipes that are also quick to make.

Remember to drink plenty of water as well to stay hydrated, and consider taking multi vitamins, they can make up for anything you might be missing out on and can really help.


You can’t lock yourself away from the world and do nothing but uni work. You need to make sure you have a good laugh every now and then. Laughing is great for you, as it increases oxygen intake and is scientifically proven to relieve stress. Look there is even a study on it and everything! Hang out with your friends for a coffee or a cheeky bev down the pub, watch a funny film, or a bunch of FailArmy Facebook videos (if watching people’s misfortune makes you giggle). Just do whatever makes you laugh and you will seriously do yourself some favours!

University is meant to be the best time of your life, and it doesn’t last forever, so make the most of it and don’t let all the pressures stress you out. And if it does get to you every now and then, embrace the insanity, go a little mad, release it, at least it will make other people laugh.

Those links, I promised:

University of Birmingham:


Birmingham City University:


Bristol University:


University West of England:


University of Nottingham:


Nottingham Trent University:


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