
Property Investors Blog

UPDATE: Birmingham City Council – Additional/Selective Licencing


Both the new Additional and Selective Licencing schemes being introduced by Birmingham City Council are due to start on June 5, 2023. The council have issued an update on their website about when they expect applications to be made.

The application process for the additional and/or selective HMO licence will begin on May 22, 2023. Landlords are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as the council will begin looking for properties with unlicensed landlords from September 4, 2023. Any properties found to be unlicensed after that date may face enforcement action.

The application process will be detailed on the council‘s website near the time of the application, it will be different from the current process for the nationally mandatory HMO licences.

Read more about about Additional and Selective HMO Licencing.


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